Me Right Now

“In order to be who I was born to become, life couldn’t have happened any other way.” Matt Kahn

This quote seems so obvious that of course who I am is the result of things that happened to me, but it is so much more profound.

It tells me that I was born to be who I am today, this is my destiny…me right now. It’s not me, but 50 pounds lighter or me with highlights or me that speaks French or me that makes a $100 000/year or me who is in love…it is me right now. Take a minute to take that in…the me you are right now is perfect, this me is meant to be right now. How can I not love or care for or accept this me who exists in this moment. This is the me that life wants me to be and I know that because this is the way life happened to me and it couldn’t have happened any other way.

I have spent a lot of time in the past 5 years thinking about how life could have happened differently…there are lots of if onlys and what ifs and remember when. It makes me start to think how much time I have wasted and feel bad about myself, but that is what needed to happen in order for me to become who I was born to be. I needed those experiences, that hurt, that replaying or re-storying to get to the me right now.

And what I know about the me right now is that she is pretty amazing! She’s lived through some hard things, she’s resilient and strong, she’s compassionate, she’s a good mom, she’s funny and she’s determined to do good in the world. If life happened any other way, I would not be the me I am today and really that would be okay too, because then I would be that me whose life couldn’t have happened any other way.


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